16th July - Invited seminar on New estimates of Arctic sea ice thickness from NASA’s ICESat-2 mission at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Potsdam, Germany (invited by Dr. Annette Rinke).
21st June - Tutor and hackweek instructor for the University of Washington's ICESat-2 hackweek , Seattle, USA.
24th May - Coastal Arctic Science Teams (CoAST) Project, led by Dr. Alice Bradley, selected to receive IASC cross-cutting funding.
14th May - Poster presentation at the European Space Agency's Living Planet Symposium (LPS) on Leveraging recent and upcoming NASA/ESA Cal/Val efforts to improve and reconcile the sea ice thickness record, Milan, Italy.
13th May - Oral presentation at the European Space Agency's Living Planet Symposium (LPS) on Towards a reconciled time series of Arctic sea ice thickness, Milan, Italy.
1st May - Invited talk on Constraining recent variability and future projections of Arctic sea ice with new and improved remote sensing data for the McGill Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences seminar series, Montreal, CA.
29th April - Invited talk on Polar sea ice variability and global climate at the University of Maryland Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences department, MD, USA.
18th February - Guest lecture on Polar sea ice and global climate for the American University Environmental Sciences undergraduate class (invited by Dr. Karen Knee).
31st January - Presented on recent developments with the NESOSIM snow on sea ice model at the NASA-ESA Snow on Sea Ice meeting, College Park, MD.
10th December - Presented on winter Arctic sea ice tyhickness variability and co-convener for the Polar Atmospheres session at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Washington DC.
18th November - Paper on The NASA Eulerian Snow on Sea Ice Model (NESOSIM): Initial model development and analysis accepted for publication in Geoscientific Model Development.
4th October - Paper on Warm Arctic, increased winter sea-ice growth? accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters!
7th September - Invited presentation on Deriving Sea Ice Thickness from ICESat-2: From Freeboard to Thickness via Snowfall for the NASA GSFC SED Director's seminar series.
26th July - Paper on Intercomparison of precipitation estimates over the Arctic Ocean and its peripheral seas from reanalyses by Boisvert et al accepted for publication in Journal of Climate!
22nd-23rd June - Presentations on A new snow depth budget model and dataset over the polar oceans & Arctic winter warming events at the POLAR 2018 meeting in Davos.
18th-22nd June - Ran an IASC-funded focus-group discussion on extreme events in the Arctic. A more detailed summary to follow shortly!
7th May - New discussion paper on "The NASA Eulerian Snow on Sea Ice Model (NESOSIM): Initial model development and analysis" available in Geoscientific Model Development.
9th-13th April - Attended the NSF-sponsored Arctic System Change Workshop in Boulder, Colorado.
20th March - New commentary paper on "A possible link between winter Arctic sea ice decline and a collapse of the Beaufort High?" published in Geophysical Research Letters!
28th February - Lots of media interest surrounding this winter's extreme Arctic warming.
14th February - Talk at the AGU Ocean Sciences meeting on the Energetics of the Beaufort Gyre and its link to freshwater dynamics.
6th February - Paper on "The Arctic sea ice cover of 2016: A year of record-low highs and higher-than-expected lows" now published in The Cryosphere.
23rd January - Talk at the NASA ESA Snow on Sea Ice meeting on our NASA Eulerian Snow on Sea Ice Model (NESOSIM).
17th January - Talk at the NASA GSFC Climate and Radiation lab seminar series on Precipitation, accumulation and sea ice thickness over the Arctic Ocean.
2nd January - Paper on "The Arctic sea ice cover of 2016: A year of record low highs and higher than expected lows" accepted for publication in The Cryosphere.
18th December - Talk to the NASA Goddard Applied Sciences working group on Applied sea ice science at NASA.
13th December - Interviewed for a Yale Environment-360 article on: the Arctic Ocean's Beaufort Gyre and what a release of its freshwater might mean for Europe.
12th December - Presented a poster on Winter Arctic sea ice growth at the American Geophysical Union confernece in New Orleans.
20th October - Webinar on Rapid declines in Arctic sea ice: what does this mean for Alaska? to the Alaskan National Park Service.
14th October - Interviewed by Canadian Global National News for their story on the Weddell Polynya .
12th October - Interview with Raven Radio on my Sitka Scientist in Residency fellowship.
9th October - Scientist in Residency at the Sitka Science Center, Alaska for three weeks (half sabatical, half public outreach).
9th October - Paper on "The Arctic sea ice cover of 2016: A year of record low highs and higher than expected lows" posted in The Cryosphere Discussions (open peer review).
8th August - Invited speaker at the US Clivar summit, Baltimore, on "Improving our understanding of Antarctic sea ice with NASA's Operation IceBridge and the upcoming ICESat-2 mission".
1st August - Paper on "Improving our understanding of Antarctic sea ice with NASA's Operation IceBridge and the upcoming ICESat-2 mission" published (not peer reviewed) by US Clivar Variations.
26th July - Paper on "Arctic Ocean surface geostrophic circulation 2003-2014" by Armitage et al., now published in The Cryosphere!
20th July - Paper on "Ice and ocean velocity in the Arctic marginal ice zone: Ice roughness and momentum transfer" by Cole et al., accepted for publication in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.
15th July - Promoted by ESSIC, University of Maryland to Assistance Research Scientist!
26th June - Paper on "Arctic Ocean geostrophic circulation 2003-2014" by Armitage et al., accepted for publication in The Cryosphere.
19th June - Paper on "Atmospheric form drag over Arctic sea ice using remotely sensed ice topography observations" by Petty et al., accepted for publication in JGR-Earth's Surface!
12th May - Paper on "Increasing frequency and duration of Arctic winter warming events" by Graham et al., accepted for publication in GRL.
10th April - New member of the US IASC delegation and selected as a member of the steering committee of the IASC Cryosphere WG.
4th April - Attended the International Arctic Science Council (IASC) and Arctic Science SUmmit Week (ASSW) meetings in Prague, Czech Republic.
29th March - Presented my Arctic sea ice forecasting results the Polar Prediction workshop in Bremerhaven, Germany.
10th March - Paper on Arctic Ocean geostrophic currents now up on The Cryosphere Discussions.
2nd March - Arctic sea ice forecasting paper is out now in JGR Earth's Future!, along with a great NASA video/press release.
25th February - Completed a one month visit to NCAR, Boulder, CO, to work on Arctic sea ice thickness variability.
21st January - Sea Ice Prediction Network Sea Ice Outlook post-season report pubished online (co-author of the report as a member of the SIO action team).
19th January - Paper on Skillful spring forecasts of September Arctic sea ice extent using passive microwave sea ice observations accepted for publication in JGR Earth's Future.
17th January 2017 - Joined 'Climate Feeedback as a scientific reviewer of climate science media coverage.
13th December - Presented my atmospheric form drag over Arctic sea ice results at the 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco.
1st December - Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sea ice research test day at the United States Naval Academy (USNA) Polar Research Day, Annapolis, MD.
14th November - 'NASA data visualization of our extreme Arctic cyclone paper. Featured in the Daily Mail, Discover magazine and several other international news outlets.
26th October - Participant on NASA's Operation IceBridge 2016 Antarctic deployment from Punta Arenas, Chile.
20th September - Embarking on the 2016 JOIS/BGEP cruise around the Beaufort Gyre. Check out my blog 'Searching for Sea Ice' on NASA's Notes from the Field.
1st September - Recommendation and quote for the NASA Earth Observatory Image of the Day: 'A Polynya Seldom Seen'
17th August - Paper on: 'The impact of the extreme winter 2015/2016 Arctic cyclone on the Barents-Kara seas' by Boisvert et al. was accepted for publication in Monthly Weather Review!
22nd July - Attended the Polar Research Coordination Network (RCN) sea ice hackathon at the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) 2016 conference in Miami
20th June- NASA-GSFC Cryospheric Sciences Python (CRYOTHON) Meetup group is up and running! Check out some information I put together on getting started with Python, and a few (hopefully) useful examples of Python in action on my GitHub
1st June- Final versions of "Characterizing Arctic sea ice topography using high-resolution IceBridge data" and "Sea ice circulation around the Beaufort Gyre: The changing role of wind forcing and the sea ice state" published online.
23rd May - Blog on: "Sea ice circulation around the Beaufort Gyre" hosted on Neven's Arctic sea ice blog (http://neven1.typepad.com/blog/2016/05/alek-petty.html)
17th May - Paper on: "Characterizing Arctic sea ice topography using high-resolution IceBridge data" accepted for publication in The Cryosphere.
13th-26th April - Participant on NASA's Operation IceBridge mission, Thule, Greenland. - Photo taken during the Eureka! overflight used on the NASA homepage.
15th April - Paper on: "Sea ice circulation around the Beaufort Gyre: The changing role of wind forcing and the sea ice state" accepted for publication in JGR-Oceans!
11th-16th March - Attended the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) in Fairbanks, Alaska. - Part of my International Arctic Science Committee Early Career Fellow duties.
2nd March - Contributed to the NSIDC blog feature on the record low Arctic sea ice state this past winter.